Monday, 23 April 2018

So, here it is, what Prokipczak said under oath, at peril of perjury, about his attack on me, and his bizarre , completely untrue, and incredibly disloyal claim about his girlfriend as to WHY he attacked me...

Yep, its hard to know about what was worse about what Prokipczak said under oath, knowing that perjury charges could follow if he was anything less than 100% honest under oath.
The headline point is that he was not honest, but worse, he attacked his girlfriends character, and my character, in a fairy story to "explain" why he attacked me.
I have never named Prokipczaks girlfriend, and I never will, but I have no doubt some of you know who she is.

She did not deserve to have her name sullied and dragged into the mud by Prokipczak, but he did it anyway, in a pathetic, disgusting, self-serving attempt to cover for himself.

I have never spoken to this woman, nor has she ever spoken to me......amongst other reasons, the most obvious and relevant one being I speak no Polish, and she speaks no English, making conversation impossible, obviously.

I have been in her "company" about 5 or 6 times I would imagine, the last time being when Prokipczak gave me a weasel apology to try to protect himself and his job, a few days after his appalling attack on me.

I ask you to click on the links below to remind yourself of what happened during Prokipczaks attack and that "apology", and my next post will detail what Prokipczak said in Court, which fully reveals  how this is a man who is entirely self-obsessed,  and selfish, has no decency, does not care who he sullies in the attempt to cover up for himself, and is a stranger to the truth, in fact, James Comeys words about Trumps distance from the truth and morality are just as applicable to Prokipczak.
That is my honestly held opinion, and you can form yours after reading the links below, and then my next post which will detail his sworn evidence.