Tuesday, 27 March 2018

The day after Prokipczaks attack.....Mr Big Polish Policeman gets all worried...and pleads ......

The day after Prokipczaks attack on me, he got scared, he got worried, he got gutless, he was, simply, himself.
He managed to figure out that he was now potentially in serious trouble. This could be bad for him, his career, his future, for many reasons. (At that time I did not know some of the reasons why he was so worried, that would take another year or so, when I discovered his involvement in the so-called investigation into Piotrs death).
So, he did what any man would do....he phoned a friend of mine (who I had got someone to phone the previous night to get Prokipczals girlfriend to come and get him). He said that he was "weally weally sowwy" for what he had done. He knew what he had done, blah, blah, blah.

This mutual acquaintance then contacted me, asking me if I was willing to meet Prokipczak, she told me that he was sorry, that he wanted to apologise, she asked me to please do this as a favour to her, not for Prokipczak.
Now this friend had been very good to me, had been kind to me, despite all the rumour and innuendo directed at me, despite the attacks, despite Oleksyks lies, she knew I had done nothing wrong at any point, and she, and 2 other people in Poland at the time, as well as those in the Irish Embassy in Warsaw, were where I found my strength to carry on in an impossible, and frightening situation.
She asked me pleasee not to go to the Police and report Prokipczak the drunken thug, she asked me please to listen to him. I owed this lady more than I can express, so could not refuse.

I agreed to meet with Prokipczak, but added conditions before I would do so:
1/. He had to apologise to all 5 Ladies who were present when he attacked.
2/. He had to buy each one of them flowers.
3/. he had to buy them chocolates.
4/. I would decide where we met, and that his girlfriend (who speaks no English (remember this fact, it is very important) must also be present, as well as out mutual acquaintance who would act as interpreter (I neither speak nor understand Polish).

Prokipczak readily agreed to my terms.

So a meeting was arranged, the details of which, and what Prokipczak had to say, I will post later.