So, having conveyed to Prokipczak, through a mutual acquaintance, that I would be willing to meet with him, as long as he bought flowers and chocolates by way of an apology to each of the ladies he had terrified, as long as he apologised to each of them, as long as he brought his girlfriend (and boy was that a mistake!), and our mutual acquaintance was present, then yes, I would meet with him.
You should also be aware that Prokipczaks girlfriend neithers speaks not understands English, at all, and it is a highly relevant fact to be recalled later on.
He rolled over like a puppy in fear, agreed to my conditions, and the meeting was arranged, in the same place where he had launched his vile disgusting attack upon me.
I ask you to pay attention to what he said when we met, its important when compared to what he would later tell his own Boss (Gawlik) when asked about it, and also, totally different to what he falsely stated in Court, under oath, just last year. (Why he was in Court I will explain later as the full story unfolds).
Prokipczak arrived for the meeting looking very sheepish, for him , the next 20 minutes were important, given the outlook if I didn't accept his apology. His girlfriend however, was a different thing completely, from the outset she was angry, rude, and clearly felt humiliated, she took her ire out on me , as though I had caused the problems, and her "poor little Piotr" should not have to go through this degradation. I reminder her that meeting was his idea, not mine.
Prokipczak, in brief, apologised for calling me a Murderer, apologised for calling me a woman beater, apologised for accusing me of being violent, apologised for being aggressive, apologised for touching me, apologised for threatening to slit my throat, all very rote, none of it meant, none of it sincere, apart from the fact that he was obviously sorry (for himself) for fear it would cost him his job, career, reputation and more.
As the conversation continued, his girlfriend now decided to have her say (in Polish remember):
"Whats wrong with you (she said to me), THAT baby is dead, get over it, why are you still going on about IT"?
Our mutual acquaintance had the horrible situation of having to translate this outburst from Polish to English in order that I could understand. Prokipczak nearly exploded....seeing the chances of me accepting his apology sailing down the river, and a criminal case coming ever closer to him. He tried to quieten his girlfriend, who would not shut up, and an argument between them ensued.
You could not make tis up.
How crass, how ignorant, how stupid, how disrespectful to my son Piotr could this woman be, or to me as a Father who had buried my baby child?
I left where we were sitting, I couldn't listen to this ignorant, uncaring, arrogant, lying woman for one more second.
My friend came to me, she asked me, please, to ignore Prokipczaks girlfriend, she asked me please to accept his apology, even though it wasn't meant. The fact was, and is, that Gorlice is a very small town, everyone knows everyone, in certain Professions there is a perverted sense of loyalty, which is founded on knowing someone, and you cover for them no matter what they have done. The reality was, Prokipczak was not sorry, his girlfriend had just caused appalling outrage and anger with her twisted words, but, I owed my friend, she was concerned for herself, her job, if I reported Prokipczak.
For that reason, and that reason alone, I agreed to her request.
I went to Prokipczak and offered my hand, I warned him to stay away from me, I warned him not to speak to me, I warned him that if any of my criminal cases crossed his desk, he was to immediately recuse himself from any and all connection to them- I, obviously, didn't trust him, nor how he did his job, and I did not want any of my criminal cases against others to be contaminated by him. I told him that I would not make a criminal report, in fact I meant all of these things at that time.
However, soon I was to discover the truth about Prokipczak, how he had lied to me in his apology, how he knew things that I did not about my son Piotrs death. How they each knew that Prokipczak was the first Policeman on scene at the Post-Mortem, how he had broken the law, how he had no legal authority or right to be there, how he had concocted lies in his official Police note made at the time. How he had made false allegations but stated them as fact, in that note.
Had I known any of this at the time, I would have never agreed to meet him, never mind accept his apology. I think they knew this, so no one told me, I had to find it out myself, much, much later.
Judge me if you wish, but once I knew the full truth about Prokipczak, I did not feel bound to stay silent about him, his apology barely scratched the surface, so why should I feel honour bound when I had been lied to?
But all of this came later, and resulted in, conservatively, lies, cover ups, corrupt practice and eventually perjury.
But no Justice for myself, nor for my Piotr.
I will detail all of this, how it came to pass, and how the Polish State once again went into cover-up/lie/cheat/break-the-law mode, twas ever thus.