Tuesday, 1 October 2013

UPDATE.....through Ignorance or with intent? Komendant Gawlik violates the Law. Part one!

This posting is very detailed, and very important, so please read it through and at the end, having provided an extract from his correspondence to me, you will understand why I say that Komendant Gawlik violated the Law. I will be posting more evidence, nay even proof, tomorrow of his violation, or ignorance, (or both), of the Law.

In the meantime, click the link below to see the letter that I had sent to Kom Gawlik (posted here in both English and Polish), and which he eventually responded to, but certainly didn't answer or take appropriate action about.....

In his arrogance, in attempting to show that he is very important (doubtful in my humble opinion), in attempting to demean me, in his attempts to show that he can act as he wants, irrespective of duty, Law and my rights, Komendant Gawliks' words to me were written only in Polish, a language I can not comprehend. The following quote from the letter are his exact words, as written to me, and a certifed translation which I obtained at my own expense*.

In my original letter to Komendant Gawlik, (see earlier posting of the letter, both in English and Polish) I made the following statement:

"......Should you fail to reply to this letter, and answer every question in full, and in English,....".

My reference to his obligation to reply to me in the English language, and not in Polish (as I do not understand the Polish language) , was based on the following legal authority:

1/. Decision of his honour Judge Bogoslaw Gawlik handed down on the 30th July 2012 in another earlier case in which I was the victim, and the Prosecution Service and Police service had illegally failed to provide me with documentation and letters in English:

Certified translation to English:

"At the beginning, it should be stated that it has not been sufficiently proved that the applicant (Bill McHale*) knows the Polish language and that it was not necessary to translate to him the text of the challenged decision.----
Art. 204 paragraph 2 of the KPK (Polish criminal procedurę code) reads that a translator/interpreter ought to be called if there is a need to translate into Polish a letter executed in a foreign language or the other way round. This regulation concerns not only a defendant (suspect) because it is in the general provisions of Chapter 22 of the KPK on experts, translators/interpreters and specialists.
The fact that the applicant (Bill McHale*) submitted a crime notification in Polish or carried on correspondence in other matters in this language with Nowy Sacz Prosecutors Office, does not mean that he personally wrote the phrases in this language. ---
The applicant stated (under oath*) that the text of the letters was translated for him into Polish and he only put his signature under the text of his letter, translated into English. ---
"........does not constitute a sufficient basis to assume that the applicant (Bill McHale) knows the Polish well language enough to be able to defend his (Legal*) interests - even if he knows certain phrases in Polish" (*my clarification).

Original Polish decision:

"Na wstępie należy podnieść, iż nie wykazano dostatecznie, aby skarżący znał język polski i aby nie należało mu przetłumaczyć treści kwestionowanego postanowienia.
Art. 204 paragraf 2 kpk mówi o tym, iż należy wezwać tłumacza jeżeli zachodzi potrzeba przełożenia na język polski pisma sporządzonego w języku obcym lub odwrotnie i przepis ten nie dotyczy tylko oskarżonego (podejrzanego), gdyż został zamieszczony w ogólnych przepisach rozdziału 22 kpk o biegłych, tłumaczach i specjalistach. To, że skarżący kierował zawiadomienie w języku polskim, czy też prowadził korespondencję w innej sprawie w takim języku z Prokuraturą Rejonową w Nowym Sączu - nie oznacza, to że on był osobiście autorem zwrotów w tym języku. Skarżący podniósł , że treść pism była mu tłumaczona na język polski a on jedynie podpisywał się pod treścią tłumaczonego jego pisma z języka angielskiego".

"....  nie jest dostateczną podstawą do przyjęcia, że skarżący włada w sposób dostateczny w języku polskim a chodzi przecież o znajomość tegoż języka w sposób umożliwiający realnie możliwość bronienia swoich interesów , nawet gdyby skarżący znał pewne zwroty w języku polskim".

2/. Decision of her honour Judge Ewa Pyrz, also handed down on the 30th July 2012 in yet another earlier, second case, in which I was the victim, and the Prosecution Service and Police service had illegally failed to provide me with documentation and letters in English:

Certified translation to English:

"At first, it needs to be said that the aggrieved party's (Bill McHale) objection concerning the service of a copy of the decision on discontinuation of proceedings in Polish - when it is clear from the case files that he does not know this language and that he was heard at court in the presence of an interpreter, IS JUSTIFIED. (my emphasis)."

"This NEGLIGENCE (my emphasis) results in revocation of the decision against which the complaint was lodged because

Original Polish language decision as written by Her Honour, Judge Pyrz:

"Na wstępie stwierdzić należy, iż zasadny jest zarzut pokrzywdzonego dotyczący doręczenia mu odpisu postanowienia o umorzeniu śledztwa w języku polskim w sytuacji gdy z akt sprawy wynika, iż nie włada on tym językiem, jak również był przesłuchiwany w obecności tłumacza. Uchybienie to skutkuje uchyleniem zaskarżonego postanowienia, albowiem obowiązujące przepisy nakładają na organy procesowe obowiązek wezwania tłumacza jeżeli zachodzi potrzeba przełożenia na język obcy pisma sporządzonego w języku polskim".

Two things need to be said here, firstly, yes, I was very busy on the 30th July 2012, when I had a number of separate appeals heard on the same day in Gorlice criminal Courts. I was successful in all of these appeals against Prosecutors decisions, resulting in all of those decisions being overturned by the Courts'.
Secondly, the 2 separate Court decisions quoted above,, re-iterated and reinforced my rights to receive all documentation in English under Polish Law, these decisions were not specific only to the cases heard, but , as stated, were indicative that at all times, in every situation, all judicial bodies (including Police) are legally obliged to adhere to the Law in this regard, that is , to provide me with both original documentation in Polish, as well as a certified translation into English, or in the situation where a letter is sent to me, it must be sent to me in the English language.

So, Komendant Gawlik, in his letter to me stated, (with no hint of ignorance, racism, discrimation or crass stupidity) in part:

"Since the official language used in Poland is Polish, we provide answers only and exclusively in this language".

There is much to say about this extraordinary statement by Komendant Gawlik, but, today I will make only 5 observations:
1/. Komendant Gawlik, in writing to me in Polish, violated Chapter 20 of the KPK (Polish criminal code).

2/. Komendant Gawlik, in writing to me in Polish, violated the Lawful order of His Honour Judge Gawlik, as issued on the 30th July 2012 in Gorlice criminal Court division.

3/. Komendant Gawlik, in writing to me in Polish, violated the Lawful order, of Her Honour Judge Ewa Pyrz, as Issued on the 30th july 2012 in Gorlice criminal Court division.

4/. Komendant Gawlik, in writing to me in Polish, displays to the world that he is entirely unaware of the European Union and Polands' membership of that organisation. I will expand on this topic in my next posting.

5/. Komendant Gawlik suggests (when he says "WE") that this letter was written by committee, as though he, alone, was intellectually incapable of answering my correspondence. Judging from the content of the letter, I think he needs a bigger committee to write his letters for him. I will expand on this topic in detail when disclosing the rest of the content of this letter.

Please come back and read tomorrow night, the posting will be shorter but no less revealing .......