Wednesday, 14 August 2013

UPDATE- Ins. Prokipczak breaks the law, more than once, so I write a criminal complaint to his Boss, (read it in full here in both English and Polish),what will that boss, Komendant Michal Gawlik, have to say? What will he do....not much I suspect.....

In my previous postings I wrote about Inspektor Piotr Prokipczak violating Polish law, and Police procedure, when he attended my dead son Piotrs' post-mortem without any Legal authority to do so. I also wrote about (and posted in both Polish and English) the official Police note he authored following the Post-Mortem, which contained falsehoods, indeed, lies , as he recorded, as fact, in that note, the false statement  that Oliwia Oleksyk had been a victim of "the beating". No beating ever occurred, it was an invention in Oliwia Oleksyks' twisted mind to try to cover up the truth, and to frame me for murdering my own child. A criminal exercise that failed completely, (despite the incompetence and worse of both Polish Police and Prosecutors), but nonetheless was acted on by Ins. Piotr Prokipczak, when he later launched a drunken, violent, unprovoked attack on me in a Pub in front of many witnesses, (an event which I will detail later in this blog).

So below, ( English language version is marked as pages 1 - 4, the Polish language version, as sent to Komendant Gawlik is marked pages 5-9 ), I have as promised, posted my letter to Ins. Prokipczaks' commanding Officer, Komendant Michal Gawlik, who is in charge of the entire Police operation in Gorlice and the surrounding area. As can be seen by Ins. prokipczaks' note, he attempted to justify his violation of Law by blaming another senior officer K. Tybor, for the "order" to attend the Post-mortem.
Many of you will be familiar with the concept previously used by senior Officers of State authority to explain away their violations of Law by claiming that they were "only following orders", however, an unlawful order is just that, an unlawful order, and is no defence for Ins. Prokipczaks' conduct, nor for the slanderous, incompetent, untrue statements contained in his note. I await komendant Gawliks' reply with great interest. However, I will not be holding my breath while waiting! I have experience of Komendant Gawlik and how he behaves, so expect that he will not answer me, or in the very unlikely event that he does reply, he will simply blame someone else, I certainly do not expect that he will take responsibility for the conduct of the Officers under his command, that is not his style. 

 1 - 4

5 - 9