Thursday, 3 October 2013

MASSIVELY UPDATED. Is this Police intimidation, or your best attempt to answer my criminal notification against Prokipczak Komendant Gawlik?

This is a very lengthy post, because I wanted to cover the issue of Kom Gawliks response to my criminal notification in full, I have also, at the bottom of this post, posted his response in full (by way of a certified translation to English, as well as Prokipczaks Official note, which is good for comparison to Gawliks "version".

I'll start by reminding you readers that I wrote my criminal norification to Kom Gawlik a full 30 days before he bothered to respond, and now I have (after the full 30 days he could legally wait, !) received his response, a truly extraordinary, ill-informed, misleading, inaccurate, self-serving and self-preserving piece of work it is too !
To detail this, to expose the extent of this, I will of course have to compare it in specific parts to either established fact, or Prokipczaks original Official Police Note.
Kom. Gawlik has been evasive, he has chosen what he wishes to refer to, what facts he wishes to ignore, and of course, excluded those facts that are, simply, inconvenient truths, he also makes assumptions which are mind boggling, and simply fantastical, as were what he suggests were true, the entire Polish Judicial system could not function !
No surprise there then. Do read on, this is a Senior Polish Police Officers (poor) lesson in avoidance, evasion, clap-trap and obfuscation, with the grossest of insults included, written to me as though I do not have Prokipczaks note in my possession,

At the bottom of this post, I have again uploaded Prokipczaks note (in the form of a Polish Dept of Justice licensed interpreters translation to English, as indeed have I uploaded Kom. Gawliks response (you know, the one he sent me illegally in only Polish !).
I highlight the main crass, untrue, misleading, disingenuous parts of Kom. Gawliks so called "response" to my letter, but do read this letter in full below, but only having first read Prokipczaks note in full... then see for yourself what any sentient being would see clearly, this was no answer, this was bureaucratic misdirection ("I responded but I did not answer", and "when it got difficult to avoid, I just made it up"). We've all seen it, suffered it, but this is truly breathtaking, he's talking about the Law, the death of my son Piotr, (but never acknowledges that fact), he attempts to turn my being Piotrs Father into a non-fact....but, only problem with that?
If I was not Piotrs Father, then legally, he would not have to answer me at all, but he did answer, of a kind....go figure! read on:

Prokipczak note, direct quotes of sentences 1* and 3*

"Today at around 13.30- following the order of the Head of the Criminal Department of the Police Headquarters in Gorlice, senior Commissioner K. Tybor, I went with Maciej Mosu- specialist in crime investigation techniques to the dissecting room of the specialist Hospital in Gorlice. There I met the specialist performing the examination (meaning post-mortem*), Doctor of Forensic medicine, Dr Henryk Boloz".
*My clarification

Gawliks denial of this fact (extraordinary !) in his letter, found on page 2 of his letter ,in brackets, marked as "B"

"The content of the note (Prokipczaks note**) does not determine that the above mentioned Police Officer (Prokipczak***) was present during the post mortem (now the crass ignorance and insults****) of Oliwia Oleksyks son, as there was no need to".
So, Prokipczak saying he was in the dissecting room, and there he met Dr Boloz, does NOT mean he was there at all? Seriously?
**, *** and **** are my clarifications.

In point marked ****, please notice that Gawlik, rather than referring to my son, or my and Oliwia Oleksyks son, he refers ONLY to Oliwia Oleksyks son.....he does this often, and in an even more ignorant manner elsewhere, (which I will detail at point 3/. below).

Prokipczak note, sentence 21* (which Gawlik pretends does not exist!) and sentence 29* which Gawlik merrily and self-servingly quotes......
21* - "It is possible that the information concerning THE BEATING of Oliwia Oleksyk could be provided by Dr Tomasz Orchel from zoz Ars-medica...." (Em, no, Why not Dr Magdelena Kolacz, who actually attended Oleksyk Prokipczak? Her sworn statement proved there was no "beating").
29*- "The Pathologist could not clearly determine the cause of the injury*. The cause could be THE BEATING (being hit) or some accidental hitting something, falling, etc"

Gawlik letter to me, page 2, Paragraph "C" in its entirety....
You will notice how Gawlik lifts Prokipczaks sentence, (marked as 29*) , verbatim, from his Official note made at the time, but seems entirely unaware of the existence of sentence 21* in the same note.....genius that!
He then (as mentioned in the point directly following- 2a/.), suggests the problem is with the translation, well, no Kom Gawlik, if you deliberately omit sentence 21* of the note, and only refer to sentence 29*, while attempting to suggest the translation is incorrect, that's simply misleading, false,  disingenuous, and you must really think people are stupid, which they are not.  

Gawlik, page 2, point "D"

"It should be noted that the problems with proper interpretation of the content may result from language difficulties and translation of the text".
What is magnificently ironic here, is that you must remember that Gawlik wrote this letter to me in Polish ONLY, with no English translation provided to me (in violation of Polish Law and numerous Court orders handed down in my favur against the Polish State on this very issue (see below).
Prokipczaks note was translated for me, at my own expense (which, by Polish law, the Police should have provided to me by the way, for free).
I used a Polish Govt Dept. of Justice licensed interpreter for all translations, but Gawlik is attempting to say that the issue with my understanding is the translation itself, or its interpretation....if this were the situation, then every document in the Polish Judicial system that is translated from Polish to English, or from English to Polish, must suffer the same flaws as Gawlik suggests, since the Judicial system (Police, Prosecutors and Courts) all use Polish Dept. of Justice licensed interpreters.... and thus the entire Polish judicial system is fundamentally flawed, and no translation can be trusted, from Dept. of Justice licensed interpreters.....seriously? This is the calibre of thinking, and then committing to documents, that I have had to deal with.....Kom. Gawlik at the top of the list.

Gawlik letter, page two.

I draw your attention to the entire Paragraph marked "E".
In this letter to me, (written ONLY because Piotr was my son, for if I were NOT Piotrs Father, I would have no right to question any element of the behaviour of Prokipczak, the conduct of the so-called investigation, nor what occurred at Piotrs' post-mortem).
Gawlik refers three separate times to "her" baby (meaning Oleksyk), and then suggests that, and I quote , the conduct of his Officers was:
"...with full respect to her dignity, and the situation she found herself in".
Remember, he's talking about his aggressive, ignorant, disrespectful Police Officers, arriving some 2 hours before I was to bury my son Piotr, a funeral I arranged in its entirety, since Oleksyk was not interested, did not care, and played no role.
Remember also, this is a letter to me as a Father, whose child was brutally killed, a death his Police Officers failed to investigate (fact, as I will explain). He speaks of "dignity" respect, yet this is how he treats Piotrs Father.....words fail me.
This quote was lifted, by Gawlik, from an internal Police memo written by one Tomasz Bednarz, a Detective, who is also fond of being, shall we say, disingenuous with the "truth", which I will return to later.

Gawlik letter Paragraph "F"
Sweet lord, this is a doozie !!
Firstly please note that Gawlik refers to MR Piotr Prokipczak (twice!), NOT Police Officer Prokipczak, NOT Nad.Kom Piotr Prokipczak, oh no, just plain old "Mr"....odd?  
Before Prokipczaks violent, abusive, aggressive attack on me, during which he threatened to slit my throat, and told me my body would be found on a local river bank, I had spoken very few words to him.
Prokipczak was the pathetic drunk in the corner, sitting on his own, he seemed to be there every time I went to the Bar, always alone, always drunk, always trying to talk to anyone who would listen about his wife leaving him. You know the type, the pathetic drunken bore, who everyone hopes to avoid.
I had no relationship of any kind with this muppet, not a social one, never mind a personal one. He, Prokipczak, gave this lie to Gawlik.
Gawlik speaks of a "conflict" between Prokipczak and I.....YES!! After he attacked me for no reason, there was certainly conflict! But only from him.
Gawlik then says it had nothing to do with him being a Policeman...except, every accusation that Prokipczak made that night against me came straight out of a Police file, each of those appalling accusations were proven to be entirely false, (within two weeks of the attack on me),  they were proven to have no basis in truth nor fact.
I had zero "social contacts" with this drunken muppet Prokipczak, yet this is how Gawlik washes his hands of.....MR Prokipczak, and thus fails to instigate a criminal investigation....when presented with a criminal complaint.

Gawlik, Paragraph "G".
You have to smile at this one....Gawlik tells me that what a Police spokesman says on Tv, is nothing to do with the Police, it is the TV company's fault......
I quote:
"The Police cannot be held liable for the content of broadcast programs"....... What? Even when that content is provided and spoken on camera by....The Police....
Really, you couldn't make this up, but in Poland you don't have to make it up, this is how Senior Police Officers deal with uncomfortable questions.

Gawlik, Paragraph "H" (well the single sentence).
Here he tells me all about the Official language of Poland, Gawlik is blissfully unaware that Poland is in the European Union, he is blissfully unaware of Polish domestic and Constitutional Law on this issue, so, he just makes up ths childish sentence. For clarification on this please read this post in full, I list every separate Polish Law that Gawlik ignores, abuses and denies when writing this entirely false "justification" about why he will only communicate in Polish :

I have also written to him again, for the last time. I will post this 2nd letter on the blog later .

It seems that Komendant Gawlik, NadKom Tybor, and particularly NadKom Piotr Prokipczak are not at all comfortable with me raising the serious, and entirely legitimate, questions about Piotrs' post-mortem, and NadKom Tybor and NadKom Piotr Prokipczaks' conduct at the time of Piotrs' death and the subsequent, instantaneous, so-called "investigation".

Typically, rather than be concerned over their own violation of Police Procedure, Polish Law, and my dead sons' dignity, they are , it seems, only concerned that I am demanding the truth over their actions.

Typically of some Senior Police Officers' in Gorlice, whose function, in fact raison d'etre, is to uphold and enforce the Law for the benefit of all, these Officers seem to have no interest in, or intention of, personally conducting themselves within the limits of, nor respecting, that same law.



Wednesday, 2 October 2013

.....Komendant Gawlik, violations part 2

To complete the detail of how Komendant Gawlik violated the Law by writing to me in Polish, I have to offer Articles of both the Polish Constitution and European Law for you to read.

In my next post I will expose the detail of what Komendant Gawlik wrote to me , supposedly in answer to my questions. The content of his letter is absolutely extraordinary , and defies belief, given that I am in possession, and will publish, Police documentation that proves the innacuracies that he claims as fact, and exposes his response, indeed exposes the entire letter for what it is, nothing more than a blatant attempt to mislead, obfuscate , deny both reality and the Law, and in equal measure attempts to ensure that the truth cannot be revealed. He has failed, utterly, to prevent the truth being exposed. The documentation created by his own Officers, including by NadKom Piotr Prokipczak expose the brutal truth of how Senior Officers in the Police in Gorlice have conducted themselves, shameful as it is, it is the reality

In yesterdays post you can read decisions handed down by 2 Polish Criminal Courts' regarding this exact subject, that is the failure of Polish judicial bodies (Police and Prosecution Services) to write to me in English and/or failing to provide me with original Polish documentation along with certified English language translation of that documentation. I appreciate that this is a rather technical issue, but, given that I cannot understand Polish, it is, you might agree, very important. How, in this circumstance, could it be possible for me to protect myself, or defend my legal interests, if I have no idea what is being done, written, or said, by the investigative authorities, in criminal cases where I am the victim?

The Polish Courts' have, at all times, in every case, in every situation, provided me with an interpreter during hearings, and in the case of written documentation, have always provided me with original documentation signed by the Court, as well as providing certified translations of that documentation.

It is therefore, only the Police and Prosecution service that have violated my rights in this way, repeatedly and deliberately. Something that Komendant Gawlik decided he was also going to do. So below I list every Article of the Polish Constitution which could be connected to this issue, as well as Articles from the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which Poland is a signatory to, and indeed Polands' Constitution states that this international agreement and its Laws, takes precedemce over pre-existing Polish domestic Law, something that Komendant Gawlik is, clearly, entirely unaware of.

I will post the full wording* of each of these articles at the end of the post, and I can say that, despite its length, these articles, particularly the European Law, is worth reading, as it exposes komendant Gawliks' ignorance in writing to me in Polish, and the consequent blatant violation of international law. This, combined with his violation of Polish domestic law, as well as the Court orders issued by Gorlice Criminal Courts' in July 2012, make his attempt to justify writing to me only in Polish, rather pathetic.
* In English, and ask that my Polish readers forgive me for not translating the full detail in Polish.

I remind you of what Komendant Gawlik wrote in his letter:

"Since the official language used in Poland is Polish, we provide answers only and exclusively in this language".


"The organs of public authority shall function on the basis of, and within the limits, of the law.

Art. 8:
1/. The constitution shall be the supreme Law of the republic of Poland.
2/. The provisions of the Constitution shall apply directly,unless the Constitution provides otherwise.

Art. 9: The Republic of Poland shall respect international Law binding upon it.

Art. 27: Polish shall be the official language in the Republic of Poland. This provision shall not infringe upon national minority rights resulting from ratified international agreements.

Art. 30: The inherent and inalienable dignity of the person shall constitute a source of freedoms and rights of persons and citizens. It shall be inviolable. The respect and protection thereof shall be the obligation of public authorites.

Art. 31 para 2. : Everyone shall respect the freedom and rights of others.
                            No one shall be compelled to do that which is not required by law.

Art. 32 para 1. : All persons shall be equal before the Law. All persons shall have the right to
                            equal treatment by public authorities.
             para 2. : No one shall be descriminated against, in political, social and economic life in
                            the Republic of Poland.

Art. 37 para 1. : Anyone, being under the authority of the Polish State, shall enjoy the freedoms
                            and rights ensured by the Constitution.

Art. 87:               The sources of universally binding law of the Republic of Poland shall be:
                            The Constitution
                            Ratified international agreements, and regulations.

Art. 91 para 1. : After promulgation in the the Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland (Dziennik
                            Ustaw), a ratified international agreement shall constitute part of the domestic
                            legal order and shall be applied directly, unless its application depends on the
                            enactment of a statute.
            para 2. : An international agreement ratified upon prior consent granted by statute
                           shall have precedence over statutes if such an agreement cannot be reconciled
                           with the provision of such statutes.
            para 3. : If an agreement, ratified by the Republic of Poland, establishing an international
                           organization so provides, the laws established by it shall be applied directly and
                           have precedence in the event of a conflict of laws.

I must inform you readers, quite obviously I am no constitutional lawyer, far from it, but the Constitution of the Republic of Poland would seem to bar descrimination on the basis of nationality and language, or indeed any descrimination whatsoever, and equally seems to enforce the primacy of the Charter of Fundamental rights of the European Union over Polish domestic statute, . There are only 2 articles of the Charter that I offer here, as being exactly on the point raised by Komendant Gawliks' letter:

The Charter of Fundamental rights of the European Union (2007/C 303/01)

Art. 20:               Everyone is equal before the Law.

Art. 21 para 1. : Any descrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or
                            social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other
                            opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual
                            orientation shall be prohibited.

So, to reiterate, Komendant Gawlik wrote:

" Since the official language of Poland is Polish, we provide answers only and exclusively in this language".

Do you , reader, think that Komendant Gawlik:

a) knows and respects the KPK (criminal procedure code),

b) respects 2 different Judges decisions regarding my rights,

c) knows and respects the Polish Constitution ,

d) knows and respects the Charter of fundamental rights of the European union,

but decided to ignore all applicable laws because he considers himself above such things?


Is he, as Komendant of Police of the district of Gorlice, entirely ignorant of the existance of all prevailing Law?


Tuesday, 1 October 2013

UPDATE.....through Ignorance or with intent? Komendant Gawlik violates the Law. Part one!

This posting is very detailed, and very important, so please read it through and at the end, having provided an extract from his correspondence to me, you will understand why I say that Komendant Gawlik violated the Law. I will be posting more evidence, nay even proof, tomorrow of his violation, or ignorance, (or both), of the Law.

In the meantime, click the link below to see the letter that I had sent to Kom Gawlik (posted here in both English and Polish), and which he eventually responded to, but certainly didn't answer or take appropriate action about.....

In his arrogance, in attempting to show that he is very important (doubtful in my humble opinion), in attempting to demean me, in his attempts to show that he can act as he wants, irrespective of duty, Law and my rights, Komendant Gawliks' words to me were written only in Polish, a language I can not comprehend. The following quote from the letter are his exact words, as written to me, and a certifed translation which I obtained at my own expense*.

In my original letter to Komendant Gawlik, (see earlier posting of the letter, both in English and Polish) I made the following statement:

"......Should you fail to reply to this letter, and answer every question in full, and in English,....".

My reference to his obligation to reply to me in the English language, and not in Polish (as I do not understand the Polish language) , was based on the following legal authority:

1/. Decision of his honour Judge Bogoslaw Gawlik handed down on the 30th July 2012 in another earlier case in which I was the victim, and the Prosecution Service and Police service had illegally failed to provide me with documentation and letters in English:

Certified translation to English:

"At the beginning, it should be stated that it has not been sufficiently proved that the applicant (Bill McHale*) knows the Polish language and that it was not necessary to translate to him the text of the challenged decision.----
Art. 204 paragraph 2 of the KPK (Polish criminal procedurę code) reads that a translator/interpreter ought to be called if there is a need to translate into Polish a letter executed in a foreign language or the other way round. This regulation concerns not only a defendant (suspect) because it is in the general provisions of Chapter 22 of the KPK on experts, translators/interpreters and specialists.
The fact that the applicant (Bill McHale*) submitted a crime notification in Polish or carried on correspondence in other matters in this language with Nowy Sacz Prosecutors Office, does not mean that he personally wrote the phrases in this language. ---
The applicant stated (under oath*) that the text of the letters was translated for him into Polish and he only put his signature under the text of his letter, translated into English. ---
"........does not constitute a sufficient basis to assume that the applicant (Bill McHale) knows the Polish well language enough to be able to defend his (Legal*) interests - even if he knows certain phrases in Polish" (*my clarification).

Original Polish decision:

"Na wstępie należy podnieść, iż nie wykazano dostatecznie, aby skarżący znał język polski i aby nie należało mu przetłumaczyć treści kwestionowanego postanowienia.
Art. 204 paragraf 2 kpk mówi o tym, iż należy wezwać tłumacza jeżeli zachodzi potrzeba przełożenia na język polski pisma sporządzonego w języku obcym lub odwrotnie i przepis ten nie dotyczy tylko oskarżonego (podejrzanego), gdyż został zamieszczony w ogólnych przepisach rozdziału 22 kpk o biegłych, tłumaczach i specjalistach. To, że skarżący kierował zawiadomienie w języku polskim, czy też prowadził korespondencję w innej sprawie w takim języku z Prokuraturą Rejonową w Nowym Sączu - nie oznacza, to że on był osobiście autorem zwrotów w tym języku. Skarżący podniósł , że treść pism była mu tłumaczona na język polski a on jedynie podpisywał się pod treścią tłumaczonego jego pisma z języka angielskiego".

"....  nie jest dostateczną podstawą do przyjęcia, że skarżący włada w sposób dostateczny w języku polskim a chodzi przecież o znajomość tegoż języka w sposób umożliwiający realnie możliwość bronienia swoich interesów , nawet gdyby skarżący znał pewne zwroty w języku polskim".

2/. Decision of her honour Judge Ewa Pyrz, also handed down on the 30th July 2012 in yet another earlier, second case, in which I was the victim, and the Prosecution Service and Police service had illegally failed to provide me with documentation and letters in English:

Certified translation to English:

"At first, it needs to be said that the aggrieved party's (Bill McHale) objection concerning the service of a copy of the decision on discontinuation of proceedings in Polish - when it is clear from the case files that he does not know this language and that he was heard at court in the presence of an interpreter, IS JUSTIFIED. (my emphasis)."

"This NEGLIGENCE (my emphasis) results in revocation of the decision against which the complaint was lodged because

Original Polish language decision as written by Her Honour, Judge Pyrz:

"Na wstępie stwierdzić należy, iż zasadny jest zarzut pokrzywdzonego dotyczący doręczenia mu odpisu postanowienia o umorzeniu śledztwa w języku polskim w sytuacji gdy z akt sprawy wynika, iż nie włada on tym językiem, jak również był przesłuchiwany w obecności tłumacza. Uchybienie to skutkuje uchyleniem zaskarżonego postanowienia, albowiem obowiązujące przepisy nakładają na organy procesowe obowiązek wezwania tłumacza jeżeli zachodzi potrzeba przełożenia na język obcy pisma sporządzonego w języku polskim".

Two things need to be said here, firstly, yes, I was very busy on the 30th July 2012, when I had a number of separate appeals heard on the same day in Gorlice criminal Courts. I was successful in all of these appeals against Prosecutors decisions, resulting in all of those decisions being overturned by the Courts'.
Secondly, the 2 separate Court decisions quoted above,, re-iterated and reinforced my rights to receive all documentation in English under Polish Law, these decisions were not specific only to the cases heard, but , as stated, were indicative that at all times, in every situation, all judicial bodies (including Police) are legally obliged to adhere to the Law in this regard, that is , to provide me with both original documentation in Polish, as well as a certified translation into English, or in the situation where a letter is sent to me, it must be sent to me in the English language.

So, Komendant Gawlik, in his letter to me stated, (with no hint of ignorance, racism, discrimation or crass stupidity) in part:

"Since the official language used in Poland is Polish, we provide answers only and exclusively in this language".

There is much to say about this extraordinary statement by Komendant Gawlik, but, today I will make only 5 observations:
1/. Komendant Gawlik, in writing to me in Polish, violated Chapter 20 of the KPK (Polish criminal code).

2/. Komendant Gawlik, in writing to me in Polish, violated the Lawful order of His Honour Judge Gawlik, as issued on the 30th July 2012 in Gorlice criminal Court division.

3/. Komendant Gawlik, in writing to me in Polish, violated the Lawful order, of Her Honour Judge Ewa Pyrz, as Issued on the 30th july 2012 in Gorlice criminal Court division.

4/. Komendant Gawlik, in writing to me in Polish, displays to the world that he is entirely unaware of the European Union and Polands' membership of that organisation. I will expand on this topic in my next posting.

5/. Komendant Gawlik suggests (when he says "WE") that this letter was written by committee, as though he, alone, was intellectually incapable of answering my correspondence. Judging from the content of the letter, I think he needs a bigger committee to write his letters for him. I will expand on this topic in detail when disclosing the rest of the content of this letter.

Please come back and read tomorrow night, the posting will be shorter but no less revealing .......

Komendant Gawlik violates the Law..........

As I said in my previous posting, the envelope I received from Komendant Gawlik, which contained a single sheet of paper, upon which words had been printed, was so full of

insults, and
legal error

that it is necessary for me to make a number of postings in order to expose them in full, and individually.

In order to do so, in the first of these postings I must quote , directly, from decisions handed down by Polish Courts on appeal. (I will quote both the original Polish decison and a certified translation to English, as provided to me by the Court, following the requirement of Polish law to do so). I made these appeals in other cases  in which I was the victim, but elements of those appeals were directly on those legal issues raised again by Komendant Gawliks' present conduct. These decisions, and their clarification of Polish Law, have, at best, the effect of proving Komendant Gawliks' ignorance of the Law he has sworn to uphold and protect ,

or at worst,

(if Komendant Gawlik has bothered to read these decisons), it proves his utter contempt both for that Law, the Polish Criminal Courts', and the force of Law of those decisions handed down by the Courts'.......

In the second of these postings I will provide you with the original Polish Domestic law, Polish Constitutional Law, and European Law which Komendant Gawlik has violated.

And remember, these 3 postings will be dealing only with one element, one sentence of Komendant Gawliks letter to me!

In all, exposing his incompetence , ignorance, legal errors, and misdirection/cover up, as displayed in his letter to me will require I post many times on this subject.

I would like to let you all know that what I expose in the coming days is typical of the treatment I have suffered at the hands of Komendant Gawlik, NadKom Piotr Prokipczak and other Police officers in Gorlice over the last 4 years, nothing new , just now I will expose it fully.