Friday, 27 September 2013

30 days after receiving my letter Komendant Mihal Gawlik does something....

Well readers,

 As I predicted, Komendant Gawlik waited the full 30 days before doing anything about my letter.

He sent an envelope with a piece of paper inside, and on that piece of paper there were written some words.

These words were not, emphatically not, an answer to the questions I had put to him in my letter.

These words were, in no particular order;

Offensive, both to me and others.


Ignorant of both the facts and the truth.

Untrue in their intent and meaning.

Legally incorrect.

Dismissive and disregarding of Polish domestic law.

Dismissive and disregarding of the constitution of the Republic of Poland.

Dismissive and disregarding of the prevailing European Law, enshrined in treaties signed by the Polish Republic.

Dismissive and disregarding of decisions handed down by the Polish Criminal Courts in my cases. Decisions which, obviously, neither the Police Service nor the Prosecution service were happy about, as they ordered Prosecutors and Police to follow the Law, and particularly the Polish Criminal Procedure Code and ensure my rights therein were to be honoured and upheld. These rights have been violated, deliberately, by both the Police and prosecution service for 4 years, and Komendant Gawlik decided, in this communicatin to violate them further.

All of the above mentioned laws, Constitutional, Domestic and European, are supposed to be the very reason for Komendant Gawiks' job as Komendant of Police to exist, but he seems to operate under a very different method, perhaps he believes he can operate under differnt Law, maybe "the law according to Komendant Mihal Gawlik"?

So, rather than simply post Komendant Gawliks' words in their entirety, in one moment, as I had intended, I will be making a number of posts detailing my original question, his words which are supposedly his attempt at a response. I will also post the relevent Polish Law, and further Gorlice Police documentation in my possession, which proves that komendant Gawliks' words are fundamentally untrue, and I believe, absurd. I will of course, post the original Polish language which I received, and a certified translation of every element of it. Then you can decide for yourself on the merit, or lack of merit, of Komendant Gawliks' words........

In my last posting on this issue, I will post Komendant Gawliks' original words in full, as I received them, on headed Police paper, along with an English translation. And, YES, of course He DID ignore Polish Law and write to me in Polish, entirely unlawfully and in contempt of 2 Court orders handed down by the Polish Criminal Courts'.

The last time I read or was told something so extraordinary and fantastical, and treated it with the same level of incredulity, was created by Prosecutor Pawel "Hans-Christian Anderson" Mrozowski of Nowy Sacz Prosecutors office. (to read more about this please click on :   ).

So tomorrow I will make my first post regarding Komendant Mihal Gawliks' words. I will not dignify these words with an adjective such as "reply" or "answer" or "explanation" to my letter, and the questions I put to him. It is not. These words as written by him are an attempt at self-protection, denial, and misdirection.

I look forward to your reading of this fairytale as authored by Komendant Mihal Gawlik, Chief of Police in Gorlice.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Another one of Komendant Gawliks Officers lies in an another Official document

Today I am in possession of another extremely important document which the Gorlice Police created regarding Piotrs' death, and their so-called investigation into the cause of his death. This document is entitled:

"Postanowienie o umorzeniu śledztwa" (the English language meaning of which is "decision to terminate investigation").

This document is written by either the investigating Police Officer or the investigating Prosecutor, but in each case it must be approved and signed by the Prosecutor in chargé of the investigation, as the Police in Poland have extremely limited legal power or authority.

The document includes a section entitled:

"Uzasadnienie" (the English language meaning "Justification" (for the decision)).

This document is created, as its title suggests, at the conclusion of an investigation when no evidence, whatsoever, has been found of a crime being committed. It took Gorlice Police, under the authority of Komendant Mihal Gawlik, 9 months, before they could admit failure in their investigation against me, and in this document acknowledge that I had committed no crime, but still tried to suggest, imply, and offer innuendo that I had done so.

Suitably, this is the last document created in the so-called Police investigation into Piotrs' death, which means it very neatly bookends their entire pathetic effort of investigation. Their first action in this case , through Inspektor Piotr Prokipczak, was to violate Polish Criminal Law and Procedure, by violating Piotrs' post-mortem. Their last action was to write entirely false and prejudicial information when ending the investigation. These 2 actions by Komendant Gawliks' Police, expose the perfect, but sad, symetry of the conduct of his officers throughout this sorry pretence of an investigation following Piotrs' death This emanates, from my perspective at least, from Komendant Gawliks' apparant lack of leadership and his failure to demand investigative integrity from his Officers'. An integrity that is, sadly, no where to be found in this so-called investigation.

These 2 acts by his Police, alone, show their utter contempt for their sworn duty, Polish criminal Law, the truth, investigating crime objectively, and the rights of victims. Including, and most importantly, my dead childs' right to Justice, even in death.

I will be posting extracts from this document, ( along with an English Language translation of the extracts), and a full explanation, with proof, of how this document contains absolute lies about the conduct of the so-called investigation, the shockingly incompetent nature of this so-called investigation, as well as the deliberate lies about me contained in the document.

This document is utterly shocking, containing as it does, lies, innuendo, outright falsehoods, and as it seems to me, an attempt at self-justification for such behaviour. It also, conveniently for Police interests, deliberately excludes rather important evidence, as to include it or even mention it, would mean tchem having to explain it away, not something they wished have to do.

I think Komendant Gawlik has more questions to answer regarding the conduct of his Officers, under his direct authority, command and direction, regarding my son Piotrs' death, and their so-called investigation into it.

I recognise that seeking answers from Komendant Gawlik may be a pointless exercise, but should I receive no answers, then I will seek other remedies under Polish Law, as I am now doing regarding Inspektor Prokipczak and NadKom. Tybor.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

No surprises then Komendant Gawlik ?

So now Komendant Gawlik has been in receipt of my letter for 29 days............

Just to let you know that, as predicted, Komendant Gawlik has decided to:

take his time in answering my letter, or

follow procedure , (procedure, being so important for him, except when allowing the desecration of my sons' post-mortem, (or perhaps procedurę is not so important?), or

consider his response to my letter, or

investigate fully what I questioned in my letter, or

converse with colleagues about the content of my letter , or

perhaps, once again he is waiting (as predicted) until the last possible moment in which he can Lawfull reply, or

perhaps attempting to prove a point to me, that HE is the Komendant of Gorlice Police, and will answer when it suits HIM, without any consideration whatsoever for the sender of the letter to him (nor my suggestion that he answer within 7 days), irrespective of the unlawful conduct and violation of procedure (under the Polish Criminal Procedure code) by his officers, committed under his authority and command, or

he is being totally ignorant, or

wants to ignore me, my letter, and the desecration of my innocent son Piotrs' post-mortem, by the Police Officers under his direct authority and command? or

maybe, just maybe, he is playing for time, in the hope that some legal miracle will happen for him?

30 days to answer, this as I said, is day 29, maybe he is waiting for the last postal collection, on the last day to answer me? Is it possible that a Senior Police Officer, a Komendant no less, could be so egotistical (or should I say childish?) as to behave in such a way? Surely not.

The possibilities are endless, but the result the same:

Komendant Mihal Gawlik of Gorlice has ignored a letter sent to him by the father of a child who did NOT die of natural causes. A Father who wanted answers as to why he permitted his Police officers', specifically Inspektor Piotr Prokipoczak and Nadkom K. Tybor, to compromise, absolutely compromise, the post-mortem procedure following my sons death, by violating Polish Criminal Law and Police procedure.

He permitted the violation, and as I said, desecration, of the only means the Polish state had of attempting to establish important evidence in relations to Piotrs' death, and also of denying me my rights.

My son Piotrs' death is something I suffer with every day, and for Komendant Gawlik and his Officers to treat Piotrs' post-mortem as an insignificant matter, legally, medically and morally is an appalling abuse.

My beautiful child lost his life, and Komendant Gawlik and his Officers' thought they could simply stroll into Piotrs' post-mortem with absolutely no legal right to do so?

Simply, Komendant Gawlik and his Officers thought that my sons post-mortem was some sort of spectator sport, into which they could walk, without fear of questioning or explanation.

Well Komendant, my sons post-mortem was no spectator sport. He deserved that his dignity be preserved during the post-mortem, not to be stared at my spectators with no right whatsoever to even be in the same room during the procedure.

You, Komendant, may be the Chief of Police in Gorlice, but you have sworn to uphold the Law, not to ignore it at your personal whim. You permitted that your Officers' ignored the law, the responsibility for this violation of my child, me, and the Law, lies ultimately with you.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Komendant Gawliks' response to my letter.............

There has been no response whatsoever!

No surprise then. As I suggested, either Komendant Gawlik is deliberately waiting a full month to respond (as the procedural system permits), However, lets be honest here, brutally honest in fact, Komendant Gawlik and the Officers' under his direct command just love Police procedure - when it is convenient for them to do so, and only when its convenient.

However, when it was necessary, indeed legally obligatory, to follow Police procedure, and the law, during Piotrs' post-mortem, Komendant Gawlik, and his subordinates NadKom.Tybor and Inspektor Prokipczak,  considered and acted as though procedure and the law were an irrelevence. An irritation to be ignored.


Komendant Gawlik is scrambling around trying to invent an excuse for his Officers' violating Police procedure, Polish Law, and my childs' post-mortem.
Perhaps he is seeking someone to blame?
Perhaps he is doing a huge amount of Legal research to try to find a justification for the violations and unlawful actions carried out under his authority?
Who knows? Certainly not me, the victim, the Father of a beautiful child whose death was compounded, is compounded, by the actions of the Officers' under Komendant Gawliks' command and supervision.

As a result of Komendant Gawliks' entirely predictable failure to respond in any way to my letter about misconduct by those under his authority, and his failure to enforce his authority to ensure Police procedure and the Law is enforced, by those he commands, further Legal action has become both necessary and unavoidable.

I will upload the documentation that I will be using in this Legal escalation. An escalation that has been forced on me solely and directly by Komendant Gawlik and his Officers.

In my next posting I will return to completing the main body of this story about Inspektor Piotr Prokipczak and his violations of duty, Law, and his drunken attack on me.

To understand more about my son Piotrs' brutal death, and what followed in the immediate aftermath, please click on the link below. I must warn that this link brings you to my blog dealing specifically with the days following Piotrs' death, and includes the actual post-mortem documents (as well as English translation).

Click :