Today is the 27th August, and it is 7 full days since Komendant Gawlik received my letter.
As I suggested, he has ignored my letter, ignored the extremely serious issues raised, and has chosen not to answer me.
I have no doubt that Komendant Gawlik, in deciding not to answer my letter, would attempt to Justify his inaction by claiming that he has 30 days in which to reply. He might claim that he was following procedure, and that procedure, must, absolutely, inevitably, be followed by both him and his Officers.
Of course, technically, he would be correct in such a claim.
However, is it just me, or isn't it just a little ironic, and contradictory, that following my son Piotrs' death, that neither Inspektor Prokipczak, nor NadKom. Tybor followed the Law, nor Police procedure on the 31st March 2009 in connection with Piotrs' post-mortem. Clearly, Komendant Gawlik did not ensure that either of these officers, under his direct command, adhered to the Law nor followed Police procedure, but.......................
.......... when Komendant Gawlik is called upon to answer for these legal and procedural violations, he apparently suddenly feels procedure must be followed?!!!!!
Its a pity he did not feel the necessity, or duty, to ensure such attention to the Law, and Police procedure, at Piotrs' post-mortem.
I will be posting tomorrow about what occurred with Inspektor Prokipczak from March 2009 until December 2009. It was in December 2009 that he launched his violent, drunken attack against me.
I will detail this attack, my reaction to it, and what followed his attack, tomorrow.......