Thursday, 3 October 2013

MASSIVELY UPDATED. Is this Police intimidation, or your best attempt to answer my criminal notification against Prokipczak Komendant Gawlik?

This is a very lengthy post, because I wanted to cover the issue of Kom Gawliks response to my criminal notification in full, I have also, at the bottom of this post, posted his response in full (by way of a certified translation to English, as well as Prokipczaks Official note, which is good for comparison to Gawliks "version".

I'll start by reminding you readers that I wrote my criminal norification to Kom Gawlik a full 30 days before he bothered to respond, and now I have (after the full 30 days he could legally wait, !) received his response, a truly extraordinary, ill-informed, misleading, inaccurate, self-serving and self-preserving piece of work it is too !
To detail this, to expose the extent of this, I will of course have to compare it in specific parts to either established fact, or Prokipczaks original Official Police Note.
Kom. Gawlik has been evasive, he has chosen what he wishes to refer to, what facts he wishes to ignore, and of course, excluded those facts that are, simply, inconvenient truths, he also makes assumptions which are mind boggling, and simply fantastical, as were what he suggests were true, the entire Polish Judicial system could not function !
No surprise there then. Do read on, this is a Senior Polish Police Officers (poor) lesson in avoidance, evasion, clap-trap and obfuscation, with the grossest of insults included, written to me as though I do not have Prokipczaks note in my possession,

At the bottom of this post, I have again uploaded Prokipczaks note (in the form of a Polish Dept of Justice licensed interpreters translation to English, as indeed have I uploaded Kom. Gawliks response (you know, the one he sent me illegally in only Polish !).
I highlight the main crass, untrue, misleading, disingenuous parts of Kom. Gawliks so called "response" to my letter, but do read this letter in full below, but only having first read Prokipczaks note in full... then see for yourself what any sentient being would see clearly, this was no answer, this was bureaucratic misdirection ("I responded but I did not answer", and "when it got difficult to avoid, I just made it up"). We've all seen it, suffered it, but this is truly breathtaking, he's talking about the Law, the death of my son Piotr, (but never acknowledges that fact), he attempts to turn my being Piotrs Father into a non-fact....but, only problem with that?
If I was not Piotrs Father, then legally, he would not have to answer me at all, but he did answer, of a kind....go figure! read on:

Prokipczak note, direct quotes of sentences 1* and 3*

"Today at around 13.30- following the order of the Head of the Criminal Department of the Police Headquarters in Gorlice, senior Commissioner K. Tybor, I went with Maciej Mosu- specialist in crime investigation techniques to the dissecting room of the specialist Hospital in Gorlice. There I met the specialist performing the examination (meaning post-mortem*), Doctor of Forensic medicine, Dr Henryk Boloz".
*My clarification

Gawliks denial of this fact (extraordinary !) in his letter, found on page 2 of his letter ,in brackets, marked as "B"

"The content of the note (Prokipczaks note**) does not determine that the above mentioned Police Officer (Prokipczak***) was present during the post mortem (now the crass ignorance and insults****) of Oliwia Oleksyks son, as there was no need to".
So, Prokipczak saying he was in the dissecting room, and there he met Dr Boloz, does NOT mean he was there at all? Seriously?
**, *** and **** are my clarifications.

In point marked ****, please notice that Gawlik, rather than referring to my son, or my and Oliwia Oleksyks son, he refers ONLY to Oliwia Oleksyks son.....he does this often, and in an even more ignorant manner elsewhere, (which I will detail at point 3/. below).

Prokipczak note, sentence 21* (which Gawlik pretends does not exist!) and sentence 29* which Gawlik merrily and self-servingly quotes......
21* - "It is possible that the information concerning THE BEATING of Oliwia Oleksyk could be provided by Dr Tomasz Orchel from zoz Ars-medica...." (Em, no, Why not Dr Magdelena Kolacz, who actually attended Oleksyk Prokipczak? Her sworn statement proved there was no "beating").
29*- "The Pathologist could not clearly determine the cause of the injury*. The cause could be THE BEATING (being hit) or some accidental hitting something, falling, etc"

Gawlik letter to me, page 2, Paragraph "C" in its entirety....
You will notice how Gawlik lifts Prokipczaks sentence, (marked as 29*) , verbatim, from his Official note made at the time, but seems entirely unaware of the existence of sentence 21* in the same note.....genius that!
He then (as mentioned in the point directly following- 2a/.), suggests the problem is with the translation, well, no Kom Gawlik, if you deliberately omit sentence 21* of the note, and only refer to sentence 29*, while attempting to suggest the translation is incorrect, that's simply misleading, false,  disingenuous, and you must really think people are stupid, which they are not.  

Gawlik, page 2, point "D"

"It should be noted that the problems with proper interpretation of the content may result from language difficulties and translation of the text".
What is magnificently ironic here, is that you must remember that Gawlik wrote this letter to me in Polish ONLY, with no English translation provided to me (in violation of Polish Law and numerous Court orders handed down in my favur against the Polish State on this very issue (see below).
Prokipczaks note was translated for me, at my own expense (which, by Polish law, the Police should have provided to me by the way, for free).
I used a Polish Govt Dept. of Justice licensed interpreter for all translations, but Gawlik is attempting to say that the issue with my understanding is the translation itself, or its interpretation....if this were the situation, then every document in the Polish Judicial system that is translated from Polish to English, or from English to Polish, must suffer the same flaws as Gawlik suggests, since the Judicial system (Police, Prosecutors and Courts) all use Polish Dept. of Justice licensed interpreters.... and thus the entire Polish judicial system is fundamentally flawed, and no translation can be trusted, from Dept. of Justice licensed interpreters.....seriously? This is the calibre of thinking, and then committing to documents, that I have had to deal with.....Kom. Gawlik at the top of the list.

Gawlik letter, page two.

I draw your attention to the entire Paragraph marked "E".
In this letter to me, (written ONLY because Piotr was my son, for if I were NOT Piotrs Father, I would have no right to question any element of the behaviour of Prokipczak, the conduct of the so-called investigation, nor what occurred at Piotrs' post-mortem).
Gawlik refers three separate times to "her" baby (meaning Oleksyk), and then suggests that, and I quote , the conduct of his Officers was:
"...with full respect to her dignity, and the situation she found herself in".
Remember, he's talking about his aggressive, ignorant, disrespectful Police Officers, arriving some 2 hours before I was to bury my son Piotr, a funeral I arranged in its entirety, since Oleksyk was not interested, did not care, and played no role.
Remember also, this is a letter to me as a Father, whose child was brutally killed, a death his Police Officers failed to investigate (fact, as I will explain). He speaks of "dignity" respect, yet this is how he treats Piotrs Father.....words fail me.
This quote was lifted, by Gawlik, from an internal Police memo written by one Tomasz Bednarz, a Detective, who is also fond of being, shall we say, disingenuous with the "truth", which I will return to later.

Gawlik letter Paragraph "F"
Sweet lord, this is a doozie !!
Firstly please note that Gawlik refers to MR Piotr Prokipczak (twice!), NOT Police Officer Prokipczak, NOT Nad.Kom Piotr Prokipczak, oh no, just plain old "Mr"....odd?  
Before Prokipczaks violent, abusive, aggressive attack on me, during which he threatened to slit my throat, and told me my body would be found on a local river bank, I had spoken very few words to him.
Prokipczak was the pathetic drunk in the corner, sitting on his own, he seemed to be there every time I went to the Bar, always alone, always drunk, always trying to talk to anyone who would listen about his wife leaving him. You know the type, the pathetic drunken bore, who everyone hopes to avoid.
I had no relationship of any kind with this muppet, not a social one, never mind a personal one. He, Prokipczak, gave this lie to Gawlik.
Gawlik speaks of a "conflict" between Prokipczak and I.....YES!! After he attacked me for no reason, there was certainly conflict! But only from him.
Gawlik then says it had nothing to do with him being a Policeman...except, every accusation that Prokipczak made that night against me came straight out of a Police file, each of those appalling accusations were proven to be entirely false, (within two weeks of the attack on me),  they were proven to have no basis in truth nor fact.
I had zero "social contacts" with this drunken muppet Prokipczak, yet this is how Gawlik washes his hands of.....MR Prokipczak, and thus fails to instigate a criminal investigation....when presented with a criminal complaint.

Gawlik, Paragraph "G".
You have to smile at this one....Gawlik tells me that what a Police spokesman says on Tv, is nothing to do with the Police, it is the TV company's fault......
I quote:
"The Police cannot be held liable for the content of broadcast programs"....... What? Even when that content is provided and spoken on camera by....The Police....
Really, you couldn't make this up, but in Poland you don't have to make it up, this is how Senior Police Officers deal with uncomfortable questions.

Gawlik, Paragraph "H" (well the single sentence).
Here he tells me all about the Official language of Poland, Gawlik is blissfully unaware that Poland is in the European Union, he is blissfully unaware of Polish domestic and Constitutional Law on this issue, so, he just makes up ths childish sentence. For clarification on this please read this post in full, I list every separate Polish Law that Gawlik ignores, abuses and denies when writing this entirely false "justification" about why he will only communicate in Polish :

I have also written to him again, for the last time. I will post this 2nd letter on the blog later .

It seems that Komendant Gawlik, NadKom Tybor, and particularly NadKom Piotr Prokipczak are not at all comfortable with me raising the serious, and entirely legitimate, questions about Piotrs' post-mortem, and NadKom Tybor and NadKom Piotr Prokipczaks' conduct at the time of Piotrs' death and the subsequent, instantaneous, so-called "investigation".

Typically, rather than be concerned over their own violation of Police Procedure, Polish Law, and my dead sons' dignity, they are , it seems, only concerned that I am demanding the truth over their actions.

Typically of some Senior Police Officers' in Gorlice, whose function, in fact raison d'etre, is to uphold and enforce the Law for the benefit of all, these Officers seem to have no interest in, or intention of, personally conducting themselves within the limits of, nor respecting, that same law.